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Why Hire Us? The Benefits Of Hiring An Attorney

If you have been injured in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence or misconduct, then it is imperative that you hire an experienced personal injury attorney to handle your case. At Spiros Law, P.C., our team of personal injury attorneys has what it takes to help you pursue the justice and compensation you are entitled to. Below, we’ll discuss some of the benefits of hiring an attorney.

No Phone Calls to Hard-to-Reach Insurance Companies or Medical Companies

Talking to insurance adjusters and medical companies while trying to recover from an injury is the last thing you want to do. Our attorneys can handle all communications with these entities while you focus on getting better.

Receive More Compensation from Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are notorious for using various tactics to reduce or deny your claim. They may try to get you to say something that they will later use against you, or if you have a particularly strong case, they may offer you a lowball settlement right off the bat. At the outset, the settlement may seem generous, but in reality, it is likely far less than you deserve. Working with one of our attorneys can improve your chances of getting the compensation you actually deserve.

Receive Compensation Even if the Defendant Did Not Have Insurance

Even if the defendant didn’t have insurance or was underinsured, our attorneys can help you recover the compensation you are entitled to. If you wish to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party, our lawyers can help guide you through the legal process. With our help, you can still hold the at-fault party accountable for their negligence or misconduct.

Carry On Your Daily Activities without a Constant Reminder of the Accident and a Growing to-Do List

When you hire one of our experienced personal injury attorneys, your lawyer will handle every aspect of your case. You won’t have to constantly think about the accident and all of the things that have to be accomplished to bring a successful case.

Your attorney will conduct an independent investigation of the accident, gather evidence to support your case, document and calculate the damages you are owed, and attempt to negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company. We’ll do all this on your behalf while you focus on being treated for your injuries.

Someone Will Represent You without Questioning Whether You Were in the Wrong

Various entities may try to put the blame for an accident back on you, including insurance companies, the defendant’s attorneys, and other potentially liable parties. But one person who will not question whether you were in the wrong is your attorney. We will fiercely protect your rights and advocate for your interests while working to hold the at-fault party accountable.

Protection from Insurance Companies that May Try to Downplay Your Injury

Insurance companies are for-profit entities, and they will go to great lengths to minimize the amount they must pay you. For instance, one tactic that insurance companies regularly employ is an IME, or “independent medical examination.”

There is actually nothing independent about it. The insurance company will often request that you get a second opinion from another doctor, usually one of their choosing that they already have a pre-existing relationship with. Their hope, of course, is for this doctor to downplay the severity of your injuries in their report, giving the insurance company grounds to reduce your settlement.

Our knowledgeable personal injury attorneys know how to combat tactics like these. If the insurance company requests an IME, your attorney can accompany you to the IME and even record the exam to ensure fairness. If the insurance company offers you a settlement, our attorneys will be there to help you judge whether it is fair. Our attorneys can also negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to improve your chances of a fair settlement.  

No Worries about Filing on Time or Filing the Wrong Documents

While you are recovering from your injuries, you may not be able to focus on the claims process or filing the necessary documents, much less filing them on time. Fortunately, our attorneys can file all of your documents for you in a timely manner.

Know All Medical Bills Are Being Handled

If you are in the middle of the claims process and have not yet obtained a settlement, you may wonder how you are going to pay for your medical bills. Our lawyers can help you understand your options and can point you toward resources that may be able to provide the assistance you need while you are waiting for a settlement to arrive.

An Attorney Can Often Reduce the Medical Bills to Increase the Client’s Take-Home Payout

A good personal injury attorney will also be a skilled negotiator. Not only can our attorneys negotiate with the insurance company to increase your settlement amount, but they can also negotiate with healthcare providers to reduce medical bills, which would, in turn, increase the amount of compensation you actually get to take home.

Having Someone Who Has Compassion for What You Are Going Through

Compassion is one of the most important qualities to look for in a personal injury attorney. Your attorney isn’t just your legal advocate. They’re also your support system during this challenging period in your life. If you work with one of our attorneys, we will be with you every step of the way, and you can always turn to us for guidance.

Get Help Now

Contact Spiros Law, P.C. to discuss your case and evaluate your legal options. We offer a free, no-risk consultation. Call our team today at (815) 929-9292. Let us get to work for you.