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Kankakee Drug Recall Lawyers

Drugs are an essential part of our healthcare system, as millions of people around the country depend on their medications to treat medical conditions and illnesses on a daily basis. In order for a person to receive the medical treatment and health improvement they expect, it is essential for the drugs to properly perform the function for which they were designed and not cause significant harmful side effects to the consumer. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, resulting in thousands of medications being recalled each year. However, if you have been harmed by a drug prior to it being recalled, you may be able to take legal action against the drug manufacturer.

Without adequate long term testing and screening procedures, harmful drugs can be rushed into the market, leaving consumers to pay the price long after the dangers of the drug are identified and the product is recalled. If you have been injured by a dangerous drug, call our experienced Kankakee drug recall attorneys of Spiros Law, P.C., today at (815) 929-9292 to learn more about your legal options.

Reasons for Recalls

The priority of pharmaceutical companies is almost always to generate profit. Regrettably, this may sometimes lead to ethically questionable decisions being made in the name of revenue. In turn, that can cause products already in the market to be recalled due to the following problems:

  • Unexpected drug interactions
  • Unlabeled and dangerous side effects
  • Drug ineffectiveness

The effects of a defective drug can have serious long term effects on patients and consumers as the medications they take to treat their ailments end up causing more harm than good.

Contact Us

When drug recalls are issued, there are usually a large number of victims for whom the recall came too late and the damage has already been done. If you have suffered an injury caused by the negligence of a pharmaceutical company, our experienced Kankakee drug recall lawyers of Spiros Law, P.C., will work diligently to recover the compensation you may be due. Call us at (815) 929-9292 for a free consultation of your case today.