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Kankakee Post Surgical Complications Attorneys

The human body experiences an incredible amount of stress during a surgical procedure. It is the job of doctors and other health care professionals to ensure that a patient recovers from his or her operation, so when post surgical complications occur, it can be especially upsetting for patients and their families. Even tiny errors on the part of a surgeon, doctor, nurse, or pharmacist can lead to very serious trouble for an innocent patient.

Medical malpractice is never acceptable. There are professional standards that must be upheld by all medical practitioners, and when these expectations are not met, the patient and their family may be eligible for compensation. If you or someone you love has suffered from improper or insufficient post surgical care, contact the Kankakee post surgical complications attorneys of Spiros Law, P.C., at (815) 929-9292 to speak to a member of our experienced legal team about your case.

Types of Post Surgical Complications

There are a lot of things that can go wrong both during and after a surgical procedure, but some of the most common post surgical complications include:

  • Infection of the surgical site
  • Uncontrollable fever
  • Sepsis
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Bleeding and hematomas

Patients expect the highest level of care in hospitals and recovery centers, but unfortunately, there are times when they do not receive the care they deserve. When this happens and patients suffer as a result, they may be eligible for compensation for their unnecessary pain and suffering.

Contact Us

The Kankakee post surgical complications attorneys of Spiros Law, P.C., may be able to help you pursue the financial compensation you need for any losses experienced at the hands of a careless medical professional. Call (815) 929-9292 today for more information.