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Insurance Claims Lawyer In Kankakee

Insurance Claims Lawyer In Kankakee

In order to protect motorists from costly accidents, states have laws requiring drivers to have certain minimum auto insurance levels. If you follow your contract by paying your premium and any monthly fees, you expect your insurance company to give you the financial compensation you deserve in the event of an accident. Unfortunately, many insurance companies act in bad faith in order to maximize profits and may either underpay or refuse to pay on your claim.

If you have car insurance, you should not get stuck with paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars out of pocket in vehicle repair. If you or a loved one is suffering financially because of an auto insurance company acting in bad faith, contact the Kankakee insurance claims attorneys of Spiros Law, P.C., today at (815) 929-9292 and schedule a consultation to discuss your legal options.

Table Of Contents

    Bad Faith Insurance Actions

    Automobile accidents can cause both vehicular damage as well as serious injuries. Thus, many people choose to purchase auto insurance to cover these potential threats. While many auto insurance companies offer their clients the coverage they deserve, others choose to ignore or wrongfully deny viable claims. Contact us today if your provider is doing any of the following:

    • Denying your claim without reason
    • Underpaying on your claim
    • Significantly delaying your payment

    Do not spend another day without financial benefits to help you through this difficult time. Contact one of our qualified attorneys today to discuss your legal options.

    Contact Us

    It can be intimidating to stand up to a bad faith insurance provider, but you are not alone. Contact the tenacious Kankakee insurance claims lawyers of Spiros Law, P.C., today at (815) 929-9292 and schedule a consultation to learn more about how we can help you.