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Bicycle Accident Attorney Serving Charleston

Bicycle Accident Attorney Serving Charleston

Table Of Contents

    ​Injured In A Bike Crash? Get Legal Help Now!​

    Bicycles are a great way to get exercise and enjoy the outdoors, and in Illinois’ warmer months the temperatures are perfect for doing both. Unfortunately, bicycling has become a dangerous mode of transportation in recent years as more and more adult and children riders are involved in traffic accidents while on their bike.

    Unfortunately, many of these accidents were preventable and often caused by drivers that are simply not paying attention to driving while they are behind the wheel.

    Did you know that you may be entitled to compensation that can help you cover medical expenses, hospital bills, lost wages because of time out of work and other financial necessities that resulted from a bike accident?

    To find out how we can help you, call us today at (217) 516-3451 or fill out our contact form.

    The legal team at Spiros Law, P.C. believes that the victims of car and bicycle accidents deserve to be treated with fairness and compassion in a court of law. There can be severe physical and emotional harm as a result of a bicyclist’s collision with a motor vehicle, which is why we will always fight for the MAXIMUM amount of compensation due to our clients.

    We offer bicycle accident injury victims 100% FREE consultations and we only get paid when we win. Contact our offices in Charleston, IL.

    Statistics On Bicycle Accidents
    According to the NHTSA, bicyclists are considered motor vehicle operators and need to behave as such when riding on Illinois streets and roadways. Bicyclists are required to obey traffic signs and signals, lane markings, and be sure to ride in the same direction as traffic.

    • More than one-quarter of the pedal cyclists killed in 2011 had a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of .01. Of the car vs. bike traffic accidents that resulted in a fatality, 37% involved alcohol
    • The highest fatality rate was riders aged 45 — 54
    • The highest injury rate was riders aged 16 — 20
    • Bicyclists who commute to work have a fatality rate of approximately 1 accident every 8.7 years
    • Research has shown that off-road bike paths and protected on-road bike lanes may help stem the incidence of bicyclist deaths
    • Approximately one-third of the bicyclist deaths in 2009 occurred at an intersection

    The NHTSA also notes that motor vehicle operators need to become more aware of the presence of bicyclists to help prevent these accidents. In turn, bicyclists should always wear the proper gear when riding, like brightly colored or reflective clothing to help drivers see them.

    Bicycle Accident Injuries
    The physical damage that can result from a car and bicycle collision is often debilitating or life-altering for the cyclist. In many cases, the rider will die because they simply do not have the physical protection that a car gives its driver.

    Some of the most common bicycle accident injuries include:

    • Broken bones
    • Bruises
    • Dental damage
    • Facial lacerations
    • Head trauma
    • Herniated discs
    • Internal organ trauma
    • Paraplegia or quadriplegia
    • Scrapes

    Sometimes an accident can occur as a driver is pulling out of a parking space or turning a corner and because they do not anticipate a cyclist they do not yield. Yet another scenario can take place as a driver opens their car door without checking for a cyclist approaching quickly from behind them.

    The Compensation You Need

    Bicycle Accident Attorney Serving CharlestonThe injuries that a bicycle accident victim can sustain are frequently severe enough to put the rider in the hospital for days or weeks. They might require surgery and a lengthy hospital stay coupled with the expense of operation can financially cripple the victims and their families.

    The compensation that can come from a successful verdict or settlement can help cover these and other costs so you can recover with peace of mind. Don’t suffer in silence— seek legal representation from an experienced auto accident litigator and ensure that justice is done.

    Need Help? Contact Us Today!

    The legal team of Spiros Law, P.C. understands that bicycle accidents can cause damage beyond the victims’ physical suffering and that reckless and negligent behavior will continue on Illinois roadways until the responsible parties understand that their actions caused your pain and suffering.

    We are proud to represent the victims of bicycle and auto accidents and to protect their rights during difficult times. Our attorneys have the passion and knowledge to competently represent you or your loved one in court, and we want to help you fight for the MAXIMUM compensation for your auto accident.

    To learn more about our law firm, or to schedule your free no-obligation case review, our attorneys welcome you to contact us at (217) 516-3451 where a member of our intake team will gather information regarding your auto accident case and quickly connect you with one of our caring attorneys.

    Begin here by filling out the contact form – It’s that easy and completely confidential.