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Johnson & Johnson Discontinues North American Sales of Talc-Based Baby Powder

After defending against claims that one of their signature products contained traces of asbestos, Johnson & Johnson has decided to discontinue North American sales of talc-based baby powder. In recent years, consumers of Johnson & Johnson’s talc-based baby powder, mainly women with ovarian cancer, have filed lawsuits against the company, arguing that the company did not warn them of the potential risks associated with the product.

On Tuesday, Johnson & Johnson announced that existing bottles of their talc-based baby powder will be sold by retailers until the product runs out, and that baby powder made with cornstarch will remain available. This announcement is viewed as a victory to women that have filed lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson over claims that the talc-based baby powder causes cancer in women, mainly ovarian. In regards to claims that the talc-based baby powder contains asbestos, a known carcinogen, Johnson & Johnson stands by their defense that findings of such evidence were a result of faulty testing.

As of late March, Johnson & Johnson faced 19,400 lawsuits related to talc baby powder, and the legal record thus far has been mixed. Several juries have decided against Johnson & Johnson, but the company has prevailed in others and is appealing nearly all of the cases they have lost. At Spiros Law, P.C., our attorneys are equipped to handle talcum powder lawsuits.

A company’s actions and failure to warn consumers about the dangers of talc should not cost a person’s life or suffering. Johnson & Johnson has the means to invest large sums of money in defending itself against claims that their talc-based baby powder contains traces of asbestos. If you or a loved one suffered from cancer after using Johnson & Johnson’s talc-based baby powder, contact one of our experienced attorneys today.

One of our attorneys will be ready to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the relationship between cancer and talcum powder use to uncover important evidence relating to Johnson & Johnson’s negligence. From there, one of our attorneys can value your case and begin working towards recovering financial compensation that you are entitled to. Although our physical offices are currently closed, our staff is available to speak with any current or potential client over the phone, during a scheduled video meeting, or through email. Contact us today at 815-929-9292.